Welcome Message

사단법인 한국정보통신학회 회장

On behalf of the organizing committee, it is my great pleasure to welcome you to ICFICE 2024. We are thrilled to bring together experts and researchers to share innovative ideas, research findings, and advancements in the field of Information Technology.

This conference serves as a platform for fostering collaboration, exchanging knowledge, and exploring the latest trends shaping the IT landscape. We are confident that the diverse perspectives and expertise gathered here will contribute to the continued growth and evolution of our dynamic field.

May this conference be a rewarding experience for all, filled with insightful discussions, networking opportunities, and inspiration for future endeavors. Over the years, our association has made efforts to select notable papers in ICFICE proceedings and publish them in SCI and SCOPUS level journals, and we will continue to do so this year. Finally, we express our heartfelt gratitude to the program committee members, dedicated paper reviewers, and all contributors for their papers. Thank you for being part of this exciting journey, and here's to another year of scholarly achievements and shared accomplishments.

Best wishes,

Dr. and Prof. Hee-Cheol Kim
General Chair of ICFICE 2024